Get Involved
Scouting gives parents and participating children an opportunity to make memories together, while helping kids develop skills and character traits that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Whether it’s serving Cub Scout Pack 105 Burlington, MA as a den leader, going camping as a family, or celebrating the achievement of earning a new badge, parents can be as involved as they’d like!
How Does Cub Scouts Include Parents And Guardians?
Cub Scouting engages the family. Working together, you will complete and sign off on the requirements found in his handbook - from doing a magic trick to creating a fire-escape plan for the family home. Scouting is a volunteer-led program. Cub Scout Pack 105 Burlington, MA is led by the Parents of Pack 105 and is headed by a local adult BSA member who graduated with a Pack Scout. Parents are welcome and encouraged to get involved as a pack leader, committee member, or volunteer. Scout leaders have the opportunity to work with Scouts and their families, improving the community through fun-filled activities that teach values of the Scout Oath and Law. By serving as a leader you can help make a positive difference in the kind of adults Scouts grow up to be.
Our local council, the Spirit of Adventure Council, BSA, and many others offer tools, resources, and trainings to assist volunteers in becoming effective leaders and enjoy their experience. These resources range from leader guide as listed below to training videos, tutorials, worksheets, and of course mandatory Youth Protection Training.
Den Leader Guides:
For those of us who can't make this much of a commitment, we can use your help for one of our larger events. We have our annual Pinewood Derby and Crossover, monthly Cub Scout Pack 105 meetings, and even opportunities for our sales people for fundraising. Please just ask; all help is appreciated and Scouts love seeing their parents involved! You will be happy you did!
Check out the Volunteer Responsibilities below. Join alone or share it with someone!
Ready to get started but not sure just how? Start off by filling out this Parent Survey and send it along to